Apple White -nukke kuuluu myös ensimmäisiin signature -nukkeihin. Tämä on first wave versio ja ns. peruspituinen. Nukesta ei arvaisi että kyseessä on Lumikin tytär, mutta vaalea iho, punaiset huulet ja siniset silmät on säilytetty tarinasta. Hänellä on pitkät, blondit kiharat joita punainen rusetti ja kruunu pitää takana. Edessä on kihara joka tippuu koko ajan kasvoille.
Apple White -doll also belongs to the first signature dolls. This is first wave version and so called basic height. From the doll you wouldn't guess she is the daughter of Snow White, but pale skin, red lips and blue eyes has been kept from the original story. She has long, blond curls that are kept back bu red headband with a bow and crown. In the front is one curl that keeps dropping to her face.
Apple White -doll also belongs to the first signature dolls. This is first wave version and so called basic height. From the doll you wouldn't guess she is the daughter of Snow White, but pale skin, red lips and blue eyes has been kept from the original story. She has long, blond curls that are kept back bu red headband with a bow and crown. In the front is one curl that keeps dropping to her face.
Kerro kerro kuvastin, ken on maassa kaunehin? Pidän nukessa siitä että hänelle on annettu hyvin hienovarainen smoky eyes meikki, mutta huulet saisivat olla tummemmanpunaiset.
Mirror, mirror on the wall, whose the fairest of them all? I like that she has very gentle smoky eyes make up but her lips could be darker red.
O-ou. Totuus Pannan alla, Applella on kalju laikku! Kyllä tuota hiusta riittää vaikka pannan alle jätettykin harvempaan plugit. ;)
O-ou. The truth under the headband, Apple has bald spot! She still has enough hair even though under the headband there isn't so many plugs.
Mirror, mirror on the wall, whose the fairest of them all? I like that she has very gentle smoky eyes make up but her lips could be darker red.
O-ou. Totuus Pannan alla, Applella on kalju laikku! Kyllä tuota hiusta riittää vaikka pannan alle jätettykin harvempaan plugit. ;)
O-ou. The truth under the headband, Apple has bald spot! She still has enough hair even though under the headband there isn't so many plugs.
Apple pukeutuu hieman liian isoon mekkoon jossa on punainen yläosa jonka yläosassa on musta rypytys. Hameen alaosa on punainen jossa on kultaisia kiekuroita ja päällä on kaksi pyöreää, pulleaa peplumia jotka ovat valkoisen pinkkejä kiekurakuviolla. Reunassa on taas musta rypytys. Hänellä on myös bolero jossa on kultainen ristikkopainatus, korkea kaulus ja puhvihihat. Käsilaukkuna on pienistä palloista koottu punainen omena ja kultainen ketju.
En ole kovin ihastunut tähän asuun, minusta se ei vain ole kovin erikoinen. Odottaisin suurempaa tulevalta kuningattarelta. Ja käsilaukku on aivan kamala. >.<
Apple wears a bit too big dress with red bodice with back ruffles on top. The lower skirt is red with golden swirls and top of it is two big, puffy white and pink peplums with swirly pattern and black ruffle. She also has bolero with golden crisscross print, high collar and puffy sleeves. Her handbag is a red apple made from small balls and golden handle.
I'm not thrilled of this look, I just think it isn't that special. I would assume more from the next Queen. And that handbag is horrible. >.<
Pieniä muovisia palloja. Kaikki nuo pienet muoviset pallerot... Argh! Ruma. Myh pyh pah.
Small, red, plastic balls.All those small plastic balls... Argh! Ugly. Myh blargh.
Et muuten arvaa mistä kohin tuo aukeaa!
Bet you don't guess where it opens!
Apple wears a bit too big dress with red bodice with back ruffles on top. The lower skirt is red with golden swirls and top of it is two big, puffy white and pink peplums with swirly pattern and black ruffle. She also has bolero with golden crisscross print, high collar and puffy sleeves. Her handbag is a red apple made from small balls and golden handle.
I'm not thrilled of this look, I just think it isn't that special. I would assume more from the next Queen. And that handbag is horrible. >.<
Pieniä muovisia palloja. Kaikki nuo pienet muoviset pallerot... Argh! Ruma. Myh pyh pah.
Small, red, plastic balls.All those small plastic balls... Argh! Ugly. Myh blargh.
Et muuten arvaa mistä kohin tuo aukeaa!
Bet you don't guess where it opens!
Kengät ovat klassisen punaiset korkokengät kultaisilla ruseteilla. En tiedä mikä tuo kierre kannassa on mutta pidän kengistä, ne sopivat hänelle ja hänen tyyliin. Sopisi myös lolita -tyyliin.
Her shoes are classic, red high heels with golden bows. I don't know what that swirl in the heel is but I like the shoes. They fit her and her style, they would also fit well to lolita -style.
Her shoes are classic, red high heels with golden bows. I don't know what that swirl in the heel is but I like the shoes. They fit her and her style, they would also fit well to lolita -style.
Lähikuvaa koruista. Punainen panta ei näy (kuten on suunniteltukin) mutta punainen rusetti ja kultainen kruunu keikkuu siellä. Korvakoruina hänellä on rusetit joissa roikkuu helmi tai omena, mutta kultaiset kuitenkin kuten muutkin korut. Rannerengas, rusettisormus ja kaulakoru joka ei nyt kuvassa näy. Kämmenet muuten on irrotettavia että nuo rannekorut saa pois ja paikalleen. Minusta hänellä on vähän liikaa noita rusetteja...
Close up from the jewelry. The red headband isn't showing (as it's planned) but the red bow and golden crown are there. She has bow earrings and there is either pear or an apple dropping from it but they're golden anyway like all her jewelry. Bracelet, bow ring and necklace that's not showing in the picture. The hands are removable by the way, so you can get the bracelets on and off. I think she has way too many bows...
Kaikki asusteet jotka tulee mukana, myös kaulakoru näkyy. Käsilaukku on siitä mukava että se on avattavissa ja pysyy tukevasti kiinni joten korut voi säilyttää käsilaukussa ettei ne katoa. Jotkut ovat sanoneet että kultainen kruunu olisi irrotettavissa mutta minulla se oli tiukasti liimattu paikoilleen.
All the accessories that comes with the doll, there's the necklace too. The handbag has a bonus that it can be opened and stays shut sturdy so you can store the jewelry in the handbag so they won't disappear. Some people have said that the golden crown would be removable but mine is glued in well.
Kuvaukset ohi, joten teinit alkaa käydä villeiksi. (Tukkakin ihan takussa jo)
Shooting are over so teens get wild. (The hair is all messed up already)