Aikomukseni oli julkaista nukkeja niiden julkaisujärjestyksessä ja tähän väliin tulisi aika monta muuta sarjaa mutta jatkutaan nyt perusnukeilla kun en ole muita ehtinyt kuvata...
My intention was to blog about dolls in order they were released and in here there should come few lines but as I haven't shot them let's continue with the signatures...
Cedar Wood on Pinokkion tytär, puusta veistetty nukke jonka kohtalo (ja toive) on muuttua oikeaksi tytöksi. Kuten isänsä, hänkin on kirottu, mutta päinvastaisella tavalla; hän ei voi valehdella. Edes valkoisia valheita, ja joskus hän sanoo totuuden vaikkei haluaisikaan. Tämä kirous tekee hänestä omalla tavallaan yksinäisen koska kukaan ei voi kertoa mitään luottamuksellista hänelle. Hänellä on silti paljon ystäviä sillä Cedar on ystävällinen ja avulias luonne jolla on pää ja sydän paikoillaan. Hän on hyvin taiteellinen ja lahjakas maalari.
Cedar on kapinallinen vaikka haluaakin kohtalonsa mutta kuten Maddie hän uskoo että jokaisen on saatava toteuttaa itseään.
Cedar Wood is the daughter of Pinnochio, a carved, wooden doll whose destiny (and wish) is to turn into a real girl. Like her father, she is also cursed but in reverse; she cannot tell a lie. Not even a little white one and sometimes she just spills the truth out even if she wouldn't want. This curse makes her lonely in a way as no one can't tell anything confidential to her. She still has lots of friends as Cedar is friendly and helpful nature who has her head and heart in the right places.
Cedar is a Rebel even though she does want her destiny but like Maddie, she believes everyone should have the chance to express themselves.
Screencapture from the show |
Cedar was a character who needed the books to become alive. In the series she isn't very radiant character, but the diaries do tell more about her. I think it is so cute when Cedar says she has a splinter in her finger (as she is wood) and her fingers are always in paint from painting (she is very talented artist). She sands the paint off her fingers -just like she sands off her make up or evens her skin for it. I have wondered when will she sand her fingers off or her face to a bowl?
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