Cerise on Kapinallinen jo taustansa takia, hänenhän ei pitäisi olla olemassa, mutta hän myös miettii millaista elämä olisi jos hän seuraisikin isänsä jalanjälkiä? Cerise on ujo, syrjäänvetäytyvä ja hiljainen luonne joka ei etsi huomiota mutta ystävilleen hän on äärimmäisen lojaali ja kausien kuluessa hänestä on tullut paljon sosiaalisempi ja ulospäinsuuntautuneempi. Hänellä on lemmikkinä sudenpoikanen nimeltä Carmine.
Cerise Hood is the daughter of The Little Red Riding Hood, but not just hers. The big family secret is that she is also the daughter of The Big bad Wolf from the same fairytale. She does come more to her mother but isn't without wolf-like features. In the show she has big, hairy ears, she eats meat almost like an animal, she is incredibly fast runner and if she sees a prey or is startled her eyes become wolf eyes and she might growl like one too. To keep the family secret she never lowers her hood (she even sleeps it on) and she tries to hide her wolf-like features in anything else but in eating.
Cerise is Rebel because of her parents already, she shouldn't exist, but she also ponders what it would be like if she would follow her father's footsteps? Cerise is shy, introvert and silent nature who doesn't seek attention but to her friends she is extremely loyal. As the Chapters run she has became much more social and outgoing. She has a direwolf as a pet called Carmine.
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Screencap from webisode "The cat who cried a wolf". c/Mattel |
Ihastuin Cerisen hahmoon heti kun hänet esiteltiin ohjelmassa. Sudet ja salailu kuka oikeasti olet? Helppo samaistua. Upeat vaatteet sekä mielenkiintoinen ajatus hahmona joka jopa kehittyy. Cerise on ehdottomasti yksi suosikkihahmoistani.
I fell in love with Cerise the moment she was introduced in the show. Wolves and hiding who you are? So easy to identify. Awesome clothes and interesting thought as a character who does evolve. Cerise is absolutely one of my favourite characters.
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Screencap from webisode "The cat who cried a wolf". c/Mattel |
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