Briar came with black stand and brush. Just kidding, she came in a book shaped box like the rest of them. Her shelf is made of black, thorny, rose vines and light pink shelves (with Ever After High logo on them). In the front there is edge of pink roses. Her shelf contains two crown sunglasses and a hand mirror.
Hiuksissa on pinkit raidat tällä kertaa päällä erona signature nukkeen. Ne ovat muuten vapaina mutta edestä on osio pinkin ruusuköynnöksen sisässä. Briarilla on kimaltava, vaalean pinkki luomiväri ja pinkit huulet. Kulmakarvat lähtevät hieman liian kaukaa, näyttäisi luonnollisemmalta jos ne olisivat keskemmällä.
Unlike signature doll, Briar has her pink stripes on top of her hair this time. They are otherwise free but part of front hair is inside pink, swirly rose vine hair clip. She has pink, shiny eyeshadow and pink lips. Her eyebrows are a bit too apart, they would look more natural if they would start closer of each other.
Briarin aamutakki on itseasiassa aivan samanlainen kuin Applellakin, vain pinkkinä ja rypytykset ovat vaaleanpunaiset. Materiaali on myös eri, Briarin aamutakki on satiinia. Vaikka tytöt eivät ole huonetovereita niin silti voi kuvitella että parhailla ystävillä olisi samanlaiset aamutakit.
Briar's robe is actually just like Apple's robe, only in pink with light pink ruffles. The material is also different, Briar has satin robe. Although the girls aren't room mates, you still could imagine that the best friends would have matching robes.

Briar on nelikosta ainut jolla on housupuku, mikropituiunen tämäkin. Kangas on pinkkiä ja valkoista jossa on mustia, piikikkäitä köynnöksiä. Yöpuvun yläosassa on musta tyllirypytys ja mustat olkanauhat.
(Housupuku on loistava idea. Pidän siitä todella paljon.)
Briar is the only one from the four who has micro short suit. The fabric is pink and white gradient pattern with black, thorny vines. On top of the night suit there is black tulle ruffle and black straps.
(I love the idea of pants as a nightgown. Fashion forwards, I love it.)

Briarin aamutossut ovat vaaleanpunaiset ja ensimmäisenä minulle niistä tuli mieleen jäätelötötterö. Kuvio kengässä on sama painettu vinoneliökuvio kuin Applellakin, mutta lisänä on piikkiköynnöksiä. Edessä on pinkki tupsu.
Briars slippers are light pink and the first thing that comes to my mind about them is cone of ice cream. The pattern in the shoe is the same diamond pattern as Apple has but Briar has thorns going round the heel. In the front there is a pink pom pom.
Rento hetki kokeilla uusia laseja. Briar tunnetaan kuitenkin hänen kruunu-laseistaan.
Just relaxing and trying on glass crowns. She's known for them, after all.
Toiset aurinkolasit ovat tummat joiden yläreunassa on rivi pinkkejä rusetteja. Nämä ovat aika hauskat minusta. Ja pidän todella paljon siitä että hänellä on tummat lasit myös. CSI Miami, kukaan? ;)
The most sharp eyed must have noticed right away that the pink ones are Briar's signature dolls crown glasses. I can't find the ones which came in the shelf from anywhere even though I don't remember I would have removed them. The original glasses were also translucent pink with pearl stripe and a heart on top of them. Not that great, they looked like a match to Apple's heart crown. Perhaps these two best friends are tried to make to compliment each other.
The other crown glasses are dark and have row of pink bows on top of them. These are nice, I really like that she has dark glasses too. CSI Miami, anyone? ;)
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