Duchess on kuninkaallinen ja katkera siitä että hän on ainoa kuninkaallinen joka ei saa onnellista loppua ja yrittää täten varastaa sen muilta Kuninkaallisilta (koska Kapinalliset eivät ole hänen silmissään yhtä hyviä ja hän ei halua olla pahis). Hänen mielestään hänen tarinansa ei myöskään saa tarpeeksi arvostusta. Hänelle on vinkattu että tarinassa on musta sekä valkea joutsen ja Duchess voisi valita myös Odilen (musta joutsen) roolin ja täten saada onnellisen loppunsa. Hän kuitenkin haluaa pysyä Kuninkaallisena vaikka kohtalonsa muuttaminen tekeekin hänestä käytännössä Kapinallisen. Duchess on erityisen hanakka Ashlynn Ellan onnellisen lopun (eli oikean prinssin) perään koska Ashlynn kapinoi omaa tarinaansa vastaan valitsemalla Hunterin.
Duchess is the daughter of Swan Princess from a tale based on ballet Swan Lake. It's not completely clear is the character based plainly on the story or is she a mix from the story and ballet. (She's complicated.)
Duchess is a Royal and bitter that she's the only one without a Happily Ever After and thus tries to steal it from other Royals (as she thinks Rebels aren't good enough and she doesn't want to be a villain). She also feels her story doesn't get enough recognition. It has been told to her that her story has both black and white swan and she could pick Odile's story (black swan) and get her Happily Ever After. She still rather remains Royal though trying to change her destiny basically makes her a Rebel. Duchess is very keen after Ashlynn Ella's ending (the real prince) as Ashlynn rebels against her story by choosing Hunter.
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Duchess loves ballet and dancing and is great at both. She can dance on water and change into a swan. (Though she always turns into a black swan, never white like Odette should). She appreciates elegance, beauty and grace but sometimes she's none of those. If she gets embarrassed or has to sing her voice turns into swan's honking. Duchess has no other friends but Sparrow Hood, son of Robin Hood and even he get's sometimes enough of the plotting and malicious friend. She's also friends with Faybelle Thorn who you will meet later. Ashlynn Ella and Hunter Huntsman sometimes helps her if the balance of nature is in danger, that's the only thing in common with these three.
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Duchess became instantly one of my favourite characters not just because she's from a ballet but for the complex story behind the girl; is she the white or black swan? The show is full of hints that she would be the black swan. Her introduction picture shows her as a Rebel and as a black swan. Her dollbox has a white swan with very dark and noticeable shadow, like the other side of the coin. The box does presents her as both; white swan who turns to the black swan when she gets angry. She has temper and nature like Odile, not good and humble like Odette has. Her looks and dresses fits the white swan but if she has to be nice she really has to force it. The moment she doesn't have to pretend she drops the act.
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